October 26, 2020
Bravo for Bridging
So you’ve finally landed that big interview. You’re the expert and the media wants to hear what you have to say about a particular topic. Now, just minutes into an…
October 12, 2020
What You Need to Know (But Probably Don’t) When the Camera Goes On
Mastering an on-camera interview is no easy feat, but you can become more confident and competent if you know some ground rules that often are unspoken. Social distancing aside, here…
September 28, 2020
Despite Distractions, the Show Must Go On
The political season is upon us, which means local, state, and national candidates are out in front of the cameras every day. Undoubtedly, we viewers will be getting nightly assessments…
September 21, 2020
What Audio is Best for a Virtual Meeting?
Our communication coaches here at Speaker Dynamics often get asked what audio device is best to use for a virtual meeting. We’d strongly suggest exploring your options and even thinking…
August 31, 2020
Insider Tips for Overcoming On-Camera Jitters
Broadcast interviews (even those on Zoom) can be nerve-racking. No matter what the setting, the stakes always feel so high. What if you say something that gets taken out of…
August 17, 2020
Got A Story to Tell? Keep It Simple
Just because you’ve got a lot to say doesn’t mean you should say it . . . or need to. Interviews with politicians, celebrities, and thought leaders are rife with…
July 27, 2020
3 Questions with Joe Allen: Meetings in the COVID-19 era
Welcome to our new 3 Questions with Series. In this series, we’re tackling some of the most vexing communication challenges of our time by going to the experts for their…