Welcome to our new 3 Questions with Series. In this series, we’re tackling some of the most vexing communication challenges of our time by going to the experts for their insights into how to tackle them.
Do you find yourself in more meetings today than ever before? That’s one of the ways the meeting landscape has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started.
Today’s 3 Questions series features Dr. Joe Allen, Director for the Center for Meeting Effectiveness and Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Utah.
He shares some of his latest research on the virtual meeting phenomenon, and how we can combat Zoom fatigue.
Learn More: On-Camera Coach
If you found this information valuable, check out my book, On-Camera Coach: Tools and Techniques for Business Professionals in a Video-Driven World, now available from Wiley Publishing. On-Camera Coach aims to take the mystery out of communicating through the camera and provides specific tips and techniques that can make your message sing—and you, the messenger, feel confident in a job well done.